I Quit My Day Job

And it was the best decision I’ve ever made

Leigh Huggins
4 min readNov 13, 2019


These days, the internet is full of success stories of entrepreneurial self-starters who abandoned a reliable income in favor of pursuing their ultimate dreams. This story is not one of those.

About a month ago, I quit my day job as an email customer service manager without another opportunity lined up. If you knew me personally, you’d know that this terrified me. I am that quintessential type A personality that wants to know how my entire life is going to unfold along with my exact next step. If I can’t control the outcome, there’s a much slimmer chance of me trying something new.

Fear-based thinking is precisely why I had to quit my job without a safety net to hold me up.

In the past, I’ve let this unknown interim period between work spell the downfall of my mental and physical health. I’ll sink back into the comfort of my homely isolation, procrastinating the job search with little — deceivingly meaningful — projects that take up more time than they’re usually worth. I’ll awfulize the future, focusing not on what I already know and can efficiently utilize — but on what I don’t yet know and won’t devote the time to learn.

Not this time.



Leigh Huggins

Professional writing coach, copywriter, and editor. https://leighhuggins.com | LinkedIn @Leigh-Huggins